Monday, April 29, 2013

Little Angels Pissing Contests


I was reminiscing with my brother the other day about some of the things we did when we were kids. I would have been less than 10 and he less than 13 (based on where we lived at the time.) We eventually got to the “dueling stream pissing contests” we would get into. One of us would start to wee, and then quickly the other would unlimber and try to knock the stream to the side with his stream. Lots of fun. Then Tom said “remember the cigarette butts?” Oh yeah, I said. Pop would pee and sometimes throw his unfiltered Chesterfield butt in the toilet afterwards. He usually didn’t flush if he knew we were next. So Tom and I would both stand in front of the bowl and try to “sink the butt” with our powerful jets of pee. We would often shred the butt to pieces, but only if we didn’t get diverted by trying to knock the other’s stream aside. Uninhibited kids do amazing things, don’t they? Anyone else ever engage in this kind of jousting?

Image: Angelic brothers

1 comment:

Zarko said...

I recall being in a long distance pissing competition with bunch of kids from the neighborhood. It was legendary. The kid with the longest piss would have the honor to engrave his name with the appropriate distance at a near by tree. I think the tree is still standing, but I doubt it that anybody else is doing it. It was back in the day before the video games era where kids from the block would gather and play outside every day. Thinking about it, at this day of age we would be all sent to counseling for inappropriate sexual behavior and littering. Back in those days, this sort of activity was fun and harmless... there was nothing sexual, dirty, but just bunch of kids having a good time and many funny memories.