Thursday, October 23, 2014

Woody on Theocracy and Beliefs

I just answered a question from a friend on Facebook that related to my religious bents. I have often been critical of religious viewpoints when I find them to be intolerant of others views or incessantly intrusive. For example, I was in a restaurant in Thomasville many years ago when a man I didn’t know stopped at my table, put his hand on my shoulder, began speaking loudly in tongues and then declared me a sinner and invited me to his church. Needless to say I didn’t go and he was tossed out of the place. That kind of crap really annoys me. But honest people with honest beliefs deserve respect. They have a right to believe and practice their beliefs as they see fit. They do not have a right to impose their beliefs on others, however subtle that imposition might be. Prayer in school is a good example of religious coercion. Not everyone in every class is interested in praying, or in praying to a specific deity who they don’t follow. The perfect example is the Christian parent who went into a rage when a Muslim wanted to pray to Mecca on a prayer rug in a public school classroom. I wish I could find the reference but, alas, it eludes me. You get the point? Freedom OF religion also demands freedom FROM religion. Otherwise we have the basis for a Theocracy, and the Middle Ages, the Inquisition, Sharia law and other equally exclusive religion-based systems are prime examples, to become totally despotic and repressive.
Below is my answer to AW on Facebook:
“As you may know, years ago I was headed for a life as a priest, and was headed for a seminary education. I had a crisis of intellect I suppose you might call it and couldn't find a belief in God strong enough to carry me through. I have always been interested and attracted to the actual teachings of prophets, but could never find a believable "God" in the world. I went back and forth from agnostic to atheist and I am probably some of both. I think that people who unequivocally declare "God is REAL" without a shred of real proof are as wrong as those who declare "There is NO GOD", since proving the negative is also impossible. I appreciate those who believe deeply yet keep a perspective of tolerance and have no use for those who are intolerant of any viewpoint. I hold hands around tables where people are praying, get completely overwhelmed in cathedrals, and light candles for my mother, a lapsed catholic, because she would have wanted that. I love Jesus as much or more than many Christians I know, for his total commitment to human suffering and ordinary people. I do not worship him or any deity.”


Spry or Not Spry? That is the Question

(especially of an old person) active; lively.
"he continued to look spry and active well into his eighties"
sprightlylivelyagilenimbleenergeticactive, full of energy, full of vim and vigor, vigorousspiritedanimatedvivaciousfriskypeppy
"isn't Aunt Helen spry for her age?"

I was talking to a few fellow board members before the meeting when someone asked how Sally was getting on after back surgery. I told them she was completely recovered and weeding like mad. Then I said “but I am probably next”. One of the members said something like, “You? You are so spry.”
That word stopped me. Spry? Isn’t that a pejorative for “Old Fart”? So I looked it up, and sure enough, as the definition above indicates, old age is almost always associated with “spry”. But wait, the synonyms are really cool: agile, energetic, frisky etc. All complimentary adjectives. What is the problem Woody?
It’s this: spry is almost always followed by some variation of “for his (or her) age”. A qualifier. Sort of like “he is in good shape for the shape he is in.” Then I thought “get over it Woody. At your age you are lucky to be able to work, hike, cook, sleep, clean, love, drink wine and think.”
It comes down to this: acknowledging getting older isn’t always easy. You see the “upside down muscle” under your arms, or the man titties in the mirror and think “Who the Hell is That?” The good news is that you are standing in front of the mirror after a nice shower getting ready to go out for the evening. And really, who the hell cares about your minor aging deficits anyway? Nobody. Just the moron who lives in your head.
Thanks for reminding me that I am spry, K. Makes me want to go out and hike and cook and love and drink wine. Not necessarily in that order. (SMILE)


Monday, October 20, 2014

Joni Mitchell and Unimproved Land

If we live long enough, we all get there.

We were driving along I-10  a few days ago when a friend in the car mentioned something about all the “unimproved” land, and what could be done with it. Too polite to start a discussion that would once again pit me against the main stream thinking, I hummed along. But decided to write a little thought about it. And herrrrrrrrres the thought!
Unimproved my ass. How’s that for a thought. Land gone back to forest and scrub after the longleaf association was destroyed for farming is the farthest from unimproved. What we were actually seeing, by the way, was mostly pine plantation (planted and farmed pine trees). So that particular land was mostly “improved” already.
My beef with the term “unimproved” lies in the incorrect thinking of many people that the land when left in a natural state is somehow less valuable than the so-called improvements that man brings with his occupation. Exactly the opposite is true: land left alone stabilizes the soil, harbors a biodiversity that is staggeringly complex, cleans the air, helps to stabilize the temperature and provides places for quiet reflection and recreation. Try fitting those things on a peanut farm or housing development.
Get over the idea that by using the land we “improve” it. We don’t. We destroy the natural abilities of land to function, and replace it with dysfunctional alternatives. Remember the song that Joni Mitchell wrote called “Big Yellow Taxi”? (1) These were part of the lyrics:

Don't it always seem to go 
That you don't know what you've got 
Till it's gone 
They paved paradise 
And put up a parking lot

They took all the trees 
Put 'em in a tree museum * 
And they charged the people 
A dollar and a half just to see 'em

That is what happens when people “improve” things natural. And folks, it isn’t pretty. And, we are not too far from those “tree museums” Joni sang of. So the next time you get a chance to express yourself on the issue of the rape and “improvement” of the environment, think before you say something really, really stupid.