First the good news:
Better than Bud Light. That’s it. Well, maybe a bit more good news. It
may be better than Bud. But that is about all.

This brew now in a Sam Adams glass for perfect sniffing and
sipping is yellowish to gold, no lacing, and no head after a minute, not much
in the way of “nose” It does have a slightly hoppy bitterness on the front end,
and none on the back of the tongue. A good burp didn’t give any serious aftertaste
My recommendation: Useful for hot days and BBQs where the
usual American crap presides. Would be good for hot foods or a brewski when
sweating on a hot afternoon. Not a bad beer, just not a good sipping beer. More
of a slurping beer. If you want a nice IPA, this isn’t it. If you want an
unassuming beer good for washing down spicy food and drinking all day long,
this will be a better choice than the macro brews. If possible, buy one or two
bottles. Then you won’t have to think up an excuse to finish the six pack.