Yes, that is correct. According to the Thursday September 30th USA Today (1) more than 100,000 young girls a year are victims of criminal gangs that sell them for sex use. Do the math. More than 100k per year adds up to a tremendous number of young girls seized and abused over many years.
I was going to write an essay on the capture and sale of women for the sex trade. Women from Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas. Women promised a better life with a job, home and the possibility of freedom only to find them selves locked in small rooms, or chained to beds or pallets and used as receptacles by men. When these women are too sick or broken to be of interest to even the crudest customer, they are tossed out on the street or killed, or just die. Those that live are ravaged with starvation, disease and physical abuse, and broken psychologically. No job, no home and no freedom. Just a short life on the street and a paupers grave.
I was going to write about adult (is a 15 year old girl an adult?) women until I read the article in today's USA Today about Demi Moore. I thought "My God, this is even worse (is that possible?) than adult slavery." What must these girls go through? The fact is I can't imagine what they go through. I know it must be beyond pain and suffering. Beyond abuse.
Then the real anger begins to get me. Who are the sick bastards that use these girls? They are the ones that need to be targeted. Sure, get the gangs that capture and "run" and sell the children, but go after the users. These perverts need eliminating. Oh, but wait. Some of these are undoubtedly rich and powerful men. Men who can protect networks of slave sellers. Men who live beside you. Men who manage your money and preach to you. Men who make laws and judge you. Men who protect you. Men who none-the-less need eliminating. No compromise.
Am I angry? You bet. Support the goals Demi and others have articulated. Don't let these bastards get off.
Image: Demi Moore from "G.I. Jane".