(Thanks Austin)
Judging in the jurisprudence sense is the issue here. But, if you do presume to Judge, you better be prepared to be Judged. Members of any group that are empanelled to review and render judgment regarding the honesty or integrity of others must be above reproach themselves in all ways. The obligation of all who judge is clear: lead by example; examine evidence including exculpatory evidence; render fair and equitable decisions; live by the principles upon which you judge. There are probably more, but these are a good start. When a member of any commission or panel violates the rules of the society in which they live, or the more stringent rules of the commission in which they serve, they should be treated as any other person accused of a violation. They should not be shielded by their position. This only serves to undermine confidence in the system as a whole, and certainly the commission itself. In order for justice to be served, those who administer it must be above reproach, not above the law.
Sometimes it is impossible to avoid judging others and sometimes it is imperative. Remember, though, that when you judge you open yourself to judgment. If that makes you uncomfortable, don’t do it.
Image: www.cfirecm.com/QandA/judging1.jpg
Bible source: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+7%3A1-5&version=KJV