A very interesting discussion, loud at times, between a Christian scholar and the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) missed the point entirely. And, the arrogance of Albert Mohler, SBTS president, was truly astonishing. In one loud assertion he not only articulated the Christian belief that the resurrection of Christ was central to the very being of Christianity, but that doubting it was in and of itself tantamount to heresy. These are my words, not his, but they convey my perception of the intent of his utterance.
And I agree with him. What? Yup. To question the resurrection does question the entire reason for Christianity in the first place. So I agree. And I not only question it but am as certain as I can be about anything that it is a fine story, intended to add elements of the supernatural to the early attempts of the religion to gain authenticity, followers and to separate itself from other competing religions.
But the point that I think he entirely missed is more basic than that. Namely that humans and the world are innately evil, were born into sin and will therefore suffer without a savior. That concept has no rational basis what so ever, has no credibility what so ever in the context of the real story of the origins of human, and is as much a fairy tale as “Goldilocks”.
The other point he misses is that Christianity isn’t the only religion in the world. Far from it. There are hundreds of them. All claiming to be the right answer to whatever question or problem they posit. The very fact that none, read that none, have come out with an unfalsifiable truth is evidence enough for me to conclude that none of them are right. In fact, I think they are all wrong. The whole idea of religion, any kind of religion, is nonsense. You will see what I mean when you die. Oh, I forgot. You won’t see what I mean, because you will be dead. Gone. Forever. Period.
Now, for the believers out there, convince me I am wrong with evidence. You can’t because there isn’t any. Period. Remember the bumper sticker: “God Said It, I Believe it and That Settles It:”?
Here is my version: “There is No God, There is No Evidence and THAT Settles It”.
Image: http://skepacabra.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/scientist-use-in-case-of-emergency.jpg Discussion: http://www.npr.org/2011/09/22/140710361/christians-divided-over-science-of-human-origins