In a dream I had the other night, I walked past a parked car and saw my brother Tom in the passenger seat. As is often the case in dreams, he was much younger than he is now. I stopped to ask why he was sitting there and he said "I don't know where I am". Then I noticed a cop approaching with several tickets in his hand. I asked what happened and he told me that my brother had rear-ended his police car. He showed me minor damage and then asked me who I was. I told him I was Tom's brother, and my name was Richard Search. He asked for I.D. so I gave him my drivers licence. He asked again what my name was. I told him again. Then he said "According to your licence, you are Tom Search, and his licence says he is Richard Search." He showed the licence with my picture and the name: Thomas Lee Search. I pulled out my new I.D. from work: Thomas Search and my picture. I ended the dream there, confused and wondering. If dreams mean anything at all, what could that switch possibly mean? Probably nothing at all, but still - - - - - .