Today I heard an interview with a senior partner in a law firm, but before the interviewer identified her, I thought he was talking to a 5 year old girl. Not what she was saying, but her baby-like voice.
Am I the only one concerned about American women increasingly sounding like babies when they talk? You know what I mean: high in the throat, quick and annoying sounding. Just like a little girl. Why do they (you) talk like that? Europeans don’t. Asians don’t. Africans don’t. But American women from these groups do. Conclusion: This is a cultural phenomenon. A LEARNED habit
Think. A woman is interviewing for a job and sounds like a baby. Strike one before she says anything. She sounds whiney and tentative. Strike two.
The normal human voice is produced in the larynx, low in the throat. Anyone can make their voice sound like a little girl by moving the sound up into the back of the throat. But why the hell do that? American women need a good dose of speech therapy to get back to a melliferous sound. A purring murmur. Sexy or direct, anything but babyish. Come on women. Listen.
Read the LA Times article cited below for a more complete discussion. See? I’m not the only one the notices these things, and, gets concerned.
Image: www.babytalk.co.za/babyTalkLogo.jpg