Matt is graduating Friday. PhD. The second one in the family. Sally was first. Both of mine should have been second and third, but I walked away from them, unfinished. Not the best decision I ever made, but far from the worst. Matt and his husband are off to Oregon for another chapter in their lives. The challenges of a new job, new town, and new friends will be significant, but they are up to the challenge.
Hal and his wife moved into a new house a week or two ago. They are opening up another chapter of their lives, albeit not as big a chapter as Matt’s and they, too, are up to the challenge.
Sal and I are staying put. Right here. Going nowhere. Well, that doesn’t sound good, does it? We are not going to MOVE again, until it’s time for the dirt nap. I am glad the kids (Effie: Oh Kids!! [Sigh loudly]) are moving around and finding new places to light. I think the price paid for this pelagic kind of lifestyle, though, is a paucity of new friends that become old friends. So my advice to them and anyone in the same circumstance is: One: Try to stay in the same place for at least 25 years. Two: keep in touch with your old friends and try to find a few good new friends. The kind that stick with you no matter what. And be that kind of friend yourself. And finally, stay close with the family. And don’t forget to send money to your parents when they get old. They deserve it and you can afford it.
Image: photobucket.com/.../MovingDay.jpg