Friday, September 16, 2011

Banned Book Week is BACK

What the hell is all the hoopla about any way? Why shouldn’t a community have the right to ban books from their libraries? Why shouldn’t people have the right to demand that books not be sold in book stores in their towns and cities? Or country for that matter?
Oh, I forgot. The same people that want GOVERNMENT OUT OF THEIR LIVES want to tell you what to do WITH YOUR LIFE. Yup, the very same.

Sounds a bit moronic, doesn’t it? Yup again. Morons.

FIGHT BACK: READ A BANNED BOOK AND RUN OVER A MORON. (And watch the youtube video below)


Morons of the World, Unite!!!

(You get some sense of my mood this morning?)
Yup, unite around Perry, Bachmann, Robertson, Romney and the rest of the gang to oppose the evils of Science and Scientists. Why should Science have the moral high ground, when obviously God HIMSELF gives it without reservation to the conservative morons of the world? Go forth and vote for the morons that have nothing at all to say of truth and evidence. Go vote for the politicians who will say and do anything to get elected and reelected, and will take money from anyone and do favors for anyone who pays.
You deserve what you get, but the rest of us don’t. Go vote. Be a real American. Vote without a thought for the consequences or the butcher’s bill. After all is said and done, it won’t make any difference at all. In 50000 years there will be very little trace of us or our resident morons. Maybe less than that. Maybe 1000. Maybe even 500. Maybe it really is the “end time”. Wouldn’t that be a grand joke on all the fundamentalist morons? An environmental end time? The earth rejecting humanity like your body rejects a virus?
Now that end time I can appreciate.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Humming birds

Just a short update: the count is now up to six or seven (hard to count when they zoom so much). Never saw this many young before. Must have been a good season.
Image (I wish this were my hand, but alas, not):

Monday, September 12, 2011

Hop Devil IPA – WOW!!!

That about sums it up. You know by now that I believe that hops are medicine, good for what “ales” you right? Well this one is up at the top of the pile. Unbelieveable hoppiness. Don’t take my word for it (well, do actually). Try it and see if you don’t feel better, think clearer, walk faster and live longer.
Go for it. And, if you drink it in a Sam Adams glass, you get the aroma too!! Go for it.

A Treat this Morning.

The air is cool and dry with a slight hint of smoke. The window next to me is open as I sit and think of the day ahead. Suddenly a swooping buzzing sound, then two then three sound just outside the screen. The culprits? Three young ruby throated hummingbirds, all trying for a snack at the 4-flower feeder. They chase and swoop, occasionally dipping in for a quick slurp then off on the chase again. All at once the three of them settle the dispute and each take a perch and have a long and hopefully satisfying feed. Then off again, chasing.
It reminds me of kids at a park or beach, chasing each other is a seemingly random game, not of tag, just of chase. Well, after all, these birds are kids after all. I suspect that their “games” are not so much for fun as for strengthening little wings for the long migration just ahead, and testing out the idea of territory control. They seem to waste so much energy in the pursuit of each other I wonder how they ever store enough fat for the flight to Central America. All but the latest hatchlings do store enough fat for the trip, and those late arrivals try to tough it out on the gulf coast until spring. In cold winters they usually don’t make it.
Hopefully these youngsters are old enough to go south, really south, and will be back next year, swooping and buzzing around my windows once again. Bon Voyage guys. Watch you backs.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Troy Davis: Innocent or Guilty?

Troy Davis (1): Is he innocent or guilty?
Well folks, I surely don’t know. There is a bunch of crappy evidence and several witnesses who have recanted their statements. Davis has maintained his innocence from day one. Charges of police coercion are also involved here. In about a week he is scheduled to die, in Georgia, after having been on death row since 1991.
This case is one more example of why the death penalty should not be used. There is conflicting evidence and testimony. He may be innocent or guilty. If he is guilty, why not life without parole? If he is innocent why not freedom? The bottom line is this: If the State of Georgia kills him, and if he is innocent, he is the victim of State Murder. If he is guilty, he is the victim of State Execution. You want the Bible? How about Romans 12:19? Or how about the sixth commandment? On the other hand, Deuteronomy 13:13-19 clearly indicates that killing of innocents is OK with God.
So I guess Troy is, as we used to say in New York, Screwed, Blued and Tattooed (2).
2. (second definition)