There is a well know phenomena to do with giving up. Take a rat and throw it into a tub of water and it swims and tries to climb out until exhausted and then it sinks and drowns. Hold a rat tightly until it stops struggling and place it in the tub and even though it is not in the least exhausted it sinks and drowns. No struggle. Why? It has been conditioned to understand that struggle will not free it from its circumstance.
I am beginning to feel like the second rat. Not constrained by force, but by sheer stupidity and apathy. This week: “I am not voting this time because Hillary isn’t there.” “I’m voting Republican this time because I won’t get a COLA in my Social Security check next year.” “I’m not voting in this election because the Democrats bailed out the banks and auto industry, and the stimulus hasn’t worked.” “I thought the Democrats would fix the economy. They didn’t so let’s let the Republicans try it.” “We need a party in there that will cut taxes and put more money in my pocket.”
I get so tired of thoughtless morons who think one vote will fix the world. Or that the party that screwed up the dream will somehow dream it again. Years ago I learned a Ukrainian word that defies translation, but means something like “give it up - - - there is no point”. I can’t find it in any on line dictionary so maybe it didn’t exist. It does now. “Zadarum”.
Image: http://www.erichufschmid.net/Piper/HelpUsDrownTheRats.JPG