There is an interesting debate simmering in the neighborhood of personhood for embryos, which are fertilized eggs. A sperm penetrates an egg and the result is an embryo. Unquestionably the embryo has 100% of the genetics to become the person present in the genes. The debate here is does this potential to be an actual person constitute personhood? Don’t know and don’t care right now.
I am here interested in the side debate over the issue of the unfertilized egg being granted personhood because it is genetically 100% specified. In some species a single egg can grow into an adult representative of that species. Parthenogenesis. And in some cases a single sperm can develop into an adult of the species. (1)
Think of the consequences for men if eggs ever got defined as “persons”. By logical extension each sperm would then have to be granted personhood status, since each is a100% complete genetic package, and might in some species be coaxed into becoming an adult. Think of the consequences of masturbation! Mass murder on a biblical scale!! Even using a rubber or spermicide would break the law. Dooming each wiggly to a certain death. And if you think the sperms are not alive and kicking, watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kM_kRPrcrk .
I shudder to think of the billions and billions of sperm cells that go down the drain each day. And what about cannibalism? Ever think of that? Well, think again.
So we must fight the trend to provide personhood to gametes. Just too damn dangerous.
Image: www.sodahead.com
1. http://www.bookrags.com/research/parthenogenesis-wog/