Saturday, February 8, 2020

Life Changes Again

Well, it has been a while since my last post. Time and life moved on and now we (mostly Sally) are getting ready to downsize, again, for the final time. Bittersweet. We are happy where we are, but need to move to prepare for down the road issues that might arise, like getting older for example (with any luck).
So, we empty closets and sheds; consolidate, donate, send to children and trash artifacts of the past. No fun this. Most things, and that is all they are although things with memories clinging like English Ivy, easily fall into one of the categories for consideration. Some need much gnashing of teeth and soul seraching, but get dealt with. Some, a few, get the "let's take it and decide later" treatment.
During one closet purge, this sweatshirt surfaced, having been worn for several years then packed away.
 Notice the BIE sewn into the upper right corner? Stands for "Biology is Everything", one of two class mottos. The class was at TCC, fall 1992, APB1150, with about 100 students. A few studemts formed a study group and really got into learning.
I would start every class by writing BIE in big letters on the board and sooner or later some would ask what that meant. A discussion followed about the ubiquitous roll of biology in life. A bit later in the term I added a very large W & R to the board and it didn't take long to get the question. Here is the back of the same shirt:

Notice the large W&R? And all the signatures and messages? These are the kids from the study group. They blew me away with this gift. The other gift they gave me was the dedication to the course and the intellectual growth they experienced in the course.
They will probably never know that they impacted me as much as I did them albiet in different ways.
Moments like this add to the richness of education for all involved.  And 18 years later I am still proud of moment, and of all my students.
Thanks guys, for the memories. Especially important as we downsize and all that implies.
W&R? Why Wings and Rings of course! Natures most perfect food when paired with Beer.