Freedom? In Florida? Ha. A thing of the past.
The legislature that runs and spouts on the agenda of less government intrusion and more personal freedom is about to pass SB1070 which at this writing gives any police jurisdiction the right to ask ANY ONE, ANY TIME AND ANY PLACE with no probable cause for proof that they are citizens.
Of course, Canadians and Europeans (read white people) are exempt from having to prove they are citizens if they have their own passports. What about a Jamaican here on holiday that leaves their passport in the hotel? Screwed. The Brazilian? Screwed. All the rest? Screwed.
Me? No, I don’t look like a Mexican roofer, but by god if some cop asks me for proof of citizenship you can visit me in jail. Resistance is the only way to fight this kind of “Freedom”.
What crap. But, scary crap. And Governor Scott says he will sign it into law if it gets on his desk. I wonder if he carries his passport or birth certificate around with him. Oh yeah. He doesn’t have to. He looks “European”.
Image: www.memegenerator.net