Remember John Kerry? He was for before he was against? That's me. Think Vietnam. I was for it before I was against it. My government lied to me and I believed them. Then, the truth. Desert Storm I. Just war I thought. Supported it. Nine/eleven and Afghanistan. Just war I thought. Supported it. (The way it was abandoned for 'Shock and Awe' was a crime though). Then "Shock and Awe I" (Desert Storm II). Opposed from the beginning. See? My record is mixed with a waffle thrown in.
But don't ever think that I was "soft" on support for the troops. Starting in 1969, Fall, I had bunches of '
nam vets in my classes. Mostly wounded warriors back for good. I loved them and we literally locked arms around the flagpole when the
SDS was going to take Old Glory down and burn it. And me a liberal, too. More mixed messages.
Our troops are ordered to go and they say loud and clear "YES SIR". They work their asses off in the worst conditions imaginable, and live or die sometimes by the throw of the dice. They protect us no matter what or where. THEY ARE NOT TO BLAME FOR WHAT POLITICAL MORONS DECIDE TO DO.
So, as Iraq winds down (hopefully) and Afghanistan winds up (hopefully not for too long) be proud of the men and women in uniform. Love them and cherish them and support them and mourn for those that fall.
But never, never blame them or scorn them or hate them or ignore them. They do what they do for you and me, and for their brothers-in-arms. If you don't like the war, or any war for that matter, tell your government. Vote the bastards out of office. But welcome and support the troops.
Photo: www.eaglestock.com/mf/vietm01b.jpg