get upset by morons running for the presidency and giving up on the Republican
voters sucking up to them. SO I gave up ‘giving up’. But, with the new field of dream candidates, I am getting close again. The poles are like a ping pong ball bouncing around the room. Every candidate swings down, then up, then down etc.
The Republican voters run hot and cold so fast it makes my head spin. One guy has a good speech (written by a professional writer) and the polls go up.
Another has a bad hair day and the polls go down.
Really people, these guys are messing with your tiny little conservative minds. They are playing your base like a fiddle. They are puppet masters to your puppet.
Good. That will make the re-election of POTUS that much easier. Please, keep the negative ads flying to give more ammo to the Democratsl later this year. Can’t you just hear the ads? “Republicans say he is untrustworthy and a flip-flopper. If they don’t like him, why should you?” and more and more. Eating their young. Shooting themselves in the crotch. Drinking
their own Koolaid. Good. Go for it. The world could use a few less morons, and
then I wouldn’t have to “give up” so often.
: http://www.powerlineblog.com/admin/ed-assets/2012/01/RAMclr-011212donner.jpg.cms_.jpeg