Too bad the Republicans concern for right to life begins at conception and ends at birth. Think about it. The current Republican House has passed legislation to reduce food available to children through subsidy programs like WIC and school meals. They opposed health care coverage that would make children healthier. They support the death penalty for a variety of crimes, and they oppose family planning and women’s health assistance. Now what has family planning got to do with right to life? Well, if women cannot get access to birth control advice and contraception, they will get pregnant at a higher rate. No abortions (right to life) so more (unwanted) babies with not enough help to keep them healthy. And the connection to child health and pre-pregnancy health is obvious: poor prenatal care is causally connected with less vigorous babies, and a VD infected mom delivers a VD infected baby.
Oh, and where are all the JOBS JOBS JOBS bills? With so much damn time taken up trying to regulate a woman’s reproductive system, they just didn’t have enough time. What bozos.
Image: www. totaldiatribe.com
Oh, and where are all the JOBS JOBS JOBS bills? With so much damn time taken up trying to regulate a woman’s reproductive system, they just didn’t have enough time. What bozos.
Image: www. totaldiatribe.com