So. The recall election is over in Wisconsin, and it is a
Republican sweep, albeit a close one. To be sure, Republicans outspent
Democrats by roughly 7 to 1. To “win” the Florida governors election Scott out
spent Sink by more than 6 to 1.
These elections by themselves are troubling, but totally
legal. You are allowed to buy your way into power in this country. More troubling
is the portent for the future: the party with the most money to spend has the
advantage. Which party is that? Why, the Republican Party of course. For the
past several decades statistics show plainly that the rich are getting richer,
very rich under Republican presidents (Bush tax cuts that gutted the economy
but padded the rich with lots of extra income), and the poor keep getting
poorer. The income gap continues to widen as the “One Percent” out paces the “Ninety-nine
Percent”. Which means that one party will continue to have the “cash” capacity
to buy elections.
So what happens is illustrated by Wisconsin and Florida: Out
spend your opponent by huge factors and buy the election.
This bodes badly for future elections. Of
course as a liberal I naturally think it will be bad. My conservative friends
(yes, I do have a few) will think it good. Get rid of “Obamacare”, keep the “Bush
tax cuts”, eliminate the EPA, the DOE, the ESA (endangered species act), the
CAA (clean air act) etc. Get “Big Government” off our backs. Good idea. And
while they are at it, they will kill what is left of the future for profits
now. Then they will suffer with the rest of us. Oh well.
My solution? You know, don’t you? Good beer and wine, good
friends and family and good travel. In other words, live for today because
tomorrow probably won’t be worth living in.
Image: http://grist.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/walker.jpg?w=300&h=300