No Child deserves this level of punishment. This isn’t punishment in the sense of a spanking: this is torture. Time and again he hits her HARD in the legs, arms back and butt. Hard. Over and over.
Michael Pearl and his wife wrote the book “To Train Up a Child” which advocates hard punishment from the beginning to “train up a child” as God intended. Switching a 6 month old for discipline. Don’t spare the rod. Is there a connection between Adams and Pearl? I don’t know, but they obviously believe in the same way of “training up” a child.
I suggest all these monsters get picked up for child abuse and that we “train them up” using the same methods they advocate and practice. Who will give the first lick?
BTW, you can order “To Train Up a Child” on Amazon.com for only $7.95. Here is one of many similar reviews:
"My mother was given this book while I was a child. Wanting to raise a well-behaved child, she would spank me with a belt. She is proud of me. I am a senior at Princeton University and practicing Catholic. However, today my mother would tell you that I am these things in spite of the teachings of "To Train Up a Child," in spite of the self-loathing and insecurity caused by whippings which would not end until I could pretend to be content. Pretend to embrace the necessity for my own torture. I was abused. Please do not look to this book for guidance."
What the hell is this country coming to when this 'how to torture your child' crap is sold on Amazon? It is all about the money. Period.
Read this for fun: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/pastor-corporal-punishment-advice-scrutinized-child-deaths-160004793.html
Image: http://thedamnedoldeman.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/300px-Sexually_Abused_boy.jpg
Image: http://thedamnedoldeman.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/300px-Sexually_Abused_boy.jpg