Ever notice the connection between banning and/or burning books and totalitarian take over? Think of these examples:
Muslims take over Egypt and order all material in the Library of Alexandria that offends Islam to be burned;
Spain and Portugal invade the Americas and destroy all the Quipu strings, the history of the indigenous people;
Hitler and his boys ban and burn Jewish and other books that are not “correct”:
Stalin destroys books that are unfavorable to his vision and rewrites history;
Fundamentalist Christians burn books that mention Evolution in a positive way.
It turns out the nearly everything that has been written is on some bodies list to be banned or burned. The way to counter this is to find all the banned books you can and read them. See why someone doesn’t want you to know something. You will quickly find the thinking of bigots and extremists out to control the agenda of us all, and sometimes for sinister purposes.
Banned Books Week is September 25−October 2, 2010. Go ahead and make your day: Read a banned book.
Image: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sungazing/galleries/72157622581205178/