Use the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem for God’s mailbox. That what Charlie Crist (1) has done for years, and takes credit for the hurricane-free respite. A group of legislators also pray for deliverance, and the combined effort, according to Crist, works.
Of course, like the War Prayer, when you pray a hurricane away from you it goes somewhere else and destroys and kills. That is OK with the prayer guys. They have God’s ear and screw the rest of the world. So Irene moved a bit to the East, and pasted the Bahamas, a noted den of evil people doing evil things, and not a good Christian among them. The deserved what they got. And the East Coast of the USA? God hates NYC (remember 9/11 when a gentle shove from God could have diverted the planes?) with a passion, because of all the Gay Pride and Catholics no doubt. And don’t forget all the Jews that haven’t come out for Jesus.
If you believe that, you must be a moron like the prayer boys.
1. http://saintpetersblog.com/2011/08/charlie-crist-still-praying-the-hurricanes-away/
Image: http://americanfootsteps.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/hurricane_destruction.jpg
Of course, like the War Prayer, when you pray a hurricane away from you it goes somewhere else and destroys and kills. That is OK with the prayer guys. They have God’s ear and screw the rest of the world. So Irene moved a bit to the East, and pasted the Bahamas, a noted den of evil people doing evil things, and not a good Christian among them. The deserved what they got. And the East Coast of the USA? God hates NYC (remember 9/11 when a gentle shove from God could have diverted the planes?) with a passion, because of all the Gay Pride and Catholics no doubt. And don’t forget all the Jews that haven’t come out for Jesus.
If you believe that, you must be a moron like the prayer boys.
1. http://saintpetersblog.com/2011/08/charlie-crist-still-praying-the-hurricanes-away/
Image: http://americanfootsteps.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/hurricane_destruction.jpg