Sal and I were sitting in an “Irish” pub in DC, having a pint of IPA, watching people and chilling. We decided that life is, indeed, a Cabaret. And as such should be enjoyed to the fullest as often as possible. We were also talking about Ann McCaffrey’s dragons and how they “wink” in and out of time. We decided that life is like that: You wink in at birth and wink out at death. From the abyss to life and back to the abyss. If you believe in heaven as a place to go when you die, then where were you before your conception? No where? That is the right answer. And you didn’t mind it or know it. Makes sense that when you die you go right back to nowhere. You see the contradictions, don’t you? If life is everlasting then it must be infinite in both directions. But it isn’t. You wink in at conception, become sentient and wink out at death. So there is no point in waiting for your “Rewards” after you die. If you want “Rewards” get a Visa card. Your rewards are in this life, this window of sentience, this Cabaret. Religion? Boil them down to this: Always strive to do good; Do no harm to anyone or anything; follow your beliefs. That should take care of business without worrying about the “afterlife”. (Have a treat and watch Liza Minnelli sing "Life is a Cabaret" on the link below.)