And then he stepped on the mouse. Sorry, said the elephant, but I just can't abide mice.

Since the “Report” or dissection of the Republican losses
was released earlier this week there has been much Gnashing of Teeth by the
Right. And from what I have seen, it boils down to this: we must change the
PERCEPTION of the Party to ease voters into the fold. Not change the DIRECTION,
THE PERCEPTION! What bullshit is this? Oh, I forgot. It is the Republican
Bullshit. Stick to the rabidly conservative values and agendas, but con the
public into PERCEIVING them as a chaste and changed party.
In other words LIE THROUGH THEIR TEETH and use smoke and
mirrors to try to con the miniorities and women and LGBTQ s of the world to
think they have changed. Changed? Newt? Marcus? Mitt? Michelle? These morons
couldn’t change a diaper without a nanny.
Pure unadulterated posturing. But, it may work. If it doesn’t
work, they always have gerrymandering to fall back on.
As we frequently said in Good Old New York: Fuck Me.
1 comment:
This reminds me on a manuscript about a drug that I remember reading about. I can’t recall the name of the drug as I thought it was the best and most expensive bullshit story I ever wasted my time reading.
The story was published in a reputable journal and goes something like this: The pharma company X has invested millions of dollars in a drug Y (as it is usually the case) to inhibit spread of the hepatitis C virus and in the process rescue and promote recovery from further proliferative injury to the liver. According to the hard core data, the drug does clearly NOT work and is useless.
Their conclusion:
Even though the drug did not improve liver state by conventional measures, the drug will significantly reduce liver fibrosis with the new suggested methodology to grade fibrosis.
The Moral of the story:
If you want something to work that clearly doesn’t work, let just change how we assess the working state and make it fit. Basically, bend the line as far as it takes to align with some ideals. This is a perfect example that lack of money is the root to all evil and majority of people will do whatever it takes for that small profit.
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