Sunday, September 18, 2011

Drink Wine, not Koolaid

I think I used a pejoratively charged word. An if I accidentally insulted any real morons out there I am truly sorry. If fact, I am sorry as hell, but we won't go into that. I have over the years accused all kinds of people of having a "hot button" (for example, get a group of conservative christian voters together and murmur "gay marriage" and the place explodes with all kinds of angst). It never occurred to me that I had a hot button, and it was getting very easy and predictable to push. The mention of any conservative politician and "god" in the same sentence elicited a Pavlovian response from me that bordered on rabid.
Well, no more. In fact, (thank you Rhett) "Frankly my Dear, I don't give a damn". I finally figured out the no matter how much I rant and rave, the end will be the end, and will have very little to do with me or my pin-prick of a rant. But it does get my blood pressure up, and my cortisols up, and my angst level up, and none of that is good.
So, screw the political system. I'm going to vote for whom I think will do the best job under the circumstances, and you can do the same. No more day by day diatribes. Just pleasant essays on humming birds, and the new one coming soon on black bears and white squirrels.


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