Thursday, July 7, 2011

Killing Blue Jays

A local weekly newspaper ran a short piece by a contributor who was having trouble with Blue Jays at her bird feeders. Her solution was to buy a powerful bb gun and shoot them. This revelation caused a small firestorm of response from readers, biologists and even the Georgia State Department of Natural Resources. It is, after all, a state and federal crime to kill any migratory bird. Blue Jays fall into this category.
Blue Jays are aggressive, noisy, pretty, funny and part of the natural world of birds. When I sit on my porch and watch birds, I watch them all. Even the bronze headed Cow bird. They are all part of the natural mix found in the woods and fields of this area. If you put up feeders they will come. It makes no sense to attract birds with a feeder, and then try to screen the clients. Consider the Jays as the clowns of the bird circus and enjoy them. Besides, they are usually the first to spot snakes, and have a very particular “I see a snake” call. I have never failed to find a snake when the Jays are telling me about it. The other birds are appreciative as well.
As for the snakes, well, they belong there too. It is axiomatic that if you increase the density of food, the predators will show up. So bird feeders are natural places for snakes. I don’t kill them either. Simply pick them up and move them away. Sure, they get a few birds, but after all, it is a “bird feeder” isn’t it?
Image: www.
Youtube video of baby jay:

1 comment:

M C Titus said...

Being something of a Blue Jay myself, (pugnacious, annoying, persistent, noisy) I have to agree that they have their place and deserve it. Now I have learned that the latest big idea from the money changers on the fanatical right, is to do away with the endangered species designation.That eliminates all the bother to Big Oil and Big Ag of having to deal with those troublesome Polar Bears and such. Check it out and have your say if it matters to you. And, oh yes,a day late and a dollar short, I must comment on the abortion conversation. The Pro Life gang is wrongly named. It is in fact, Pro Fetus, only. The moment that baby is born it is re-named and becomes "Welfare Trash". Their focus is immediately redirected to punishing the child for existing and it's mother for having it.