Heard a piece on NPR coming home tonight about the impact of the Egyptian uprising on the rest of the world. I thought “Yeah, I know. More uprisings and KABOOM, up goes the Middle East.” Not so said the voice of reason. This was a peaceful operation from start to (current) finish. No bombers blowing themselves up. No riot police storming the crowds and spraying bullets all over the place. Just hundreds of thousands of mostly young people standing around and demanding an end to tyranny. Then it hit me. Young people. Lifetimes ahead. Optimism in the face of the “Pharaoh.” And it may spread in the weeks and months ahead to many other countries. Hell, I thought, we started that way ourselves.
So I am forced to take off my cynic’s hat for a few moments and see through the eyes of the youth of Egypt. And I like what I see. But, and there is always a “but” for a cynic, there are still dangerous days ahead, and there are still eighty million Egyptians to feed and get work for, and there is still an Islamic presence that is a wild card.
Still ----- What the Hell ------ go for it Woody. Right now it looks good and hopeful. And I am hopeful for them.
Still - - - - -
Image: www. onemillionpeacesigns.blogspot.com
So I am forced to take off my cynic’s hat for a few moments and see through the eyes of the youth of Egypt. And I like what I see. But, and there is always a “but” for a cynic, there are still dangerous days ahead, and there are still eighty million Egyptians to feed and get work for, and there is still an Islamic presence that is a wild card.
Still ----- What the Hell ------ go for it Woody. Right now it looks good and hopeful. And I am hopeful for them.
Still - - - - -
Image: www. onemillionpeacesigns.blogspot.com
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