I guess I shouldn’t be so sensitive to insults, but I am. So when I was passed recently by a “red neck” truck (you know: 4W drive, big tires, mud everywhere, gun rack, bumper sticker for “W 04”, cigarette dangling from lips of driver.) with a bumper sticker on the rear window: “Tea Party Patriot: Don’t Tread on Me” I got a little uppity. The clear implication to me says that unless I am a TPP stooge I am not a patriot. What crap is that? And the “grass roots movement” claim?
Ever wonder when some news report says “Tea Party candidate X received financial support from Tea Party supporters” who they are? Wealthy American right wing supporters like the Koch brothers (1). Influential political think tanks and individuals all bent on whipping up the masses to further their agenda. Which is? Take over the House and Senate, then the Executive Branch and install a right facing government that would be a disaster for us all. (Even the RNC is worried that the Tea Party is too extreme.) Like any extreme philosophy, there are elements in the Tea Party (TP) credo that are reasonable and even attractive, like getting back to a balanced budget (Where have you gone Bill Clinton?). But taken together, the package would drive a stake in the heart of our democracy. Compare the movement to historical mass takeovers of governments and you see the point. Hitler appealed to the masses with solutions and blames. What resulted was horrible.
Under the “grass roots” of the TP is a well organized plan by wealthy right wing people to get THEIR way as THE way. Use your brain for one second, huh? How do you think all the “spontaneous” things the TP claims and all the money the TP spends can be without leadership? They may have more than one head, but so did the Medusa.
I am not a Tea Partyer or anything vaguely like them, but still a Patriot. So here is a warning to the Tea Partyers from the majority of American Patriots: Don’t Tread On Us!!!
Image: http://www.teapartymovie.com/images/TPP-BUMPER-STICKER.jpg
Image: http://images.sodahead.com/polls/000661637/polls_medusa_4631_429276_poll_xlarge.jpeg
Background information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tea_Party_movement
Ever wonder when some news report says “Tea Party candidate X received financial support from Tea Party supporters” who they are? Wealthy American right wing supporters like the Koch brothers (1). Influential political think tanks and individuals all bent on whipping up the masses to further their agenda. Which is? Take over the House and Senate, then the Executive Branch and install a right facing government that would be a disaster for us all. (Even the RNC is worried that the Tea Party is too extreme.) Like any extreme philosophy, there are elements in the Tea Party (TP) credo that are reasonable and even attractive, like getting back to a balanced budget (Where have you gone Bill Clinton?). But taken together, the package would drive a stake in the heart of our democracy. Compare the movement to historical mass takeovers of governments and you see the point. Hitler appealed to the masses with solutions and blames. What resulted was horrible.
Under the “grass roots” of the TP is a well organized plan by wealthy right wing people to get THEIR way as THE way. Use your brain for one second, huh? How do you think all the “spontaneous” things the TP claims and all the money the TP spends can be without leadership? They may have more than one head, but so did the Medusa.
I am not a Tea Partyer or anything vaguely like them, but still a Patriot. So here is a warning to the Tea Partyers from the majority of American Patriots: Don’t Tread On Us!!!
Image: http://www.teapartymovie.com/images/TPP-BUMPER-STICKER.jpg
Image: http://images.sodahead.com/polls/000661637/polls_medusa_4631_429276_poll_xlarge.jpeg
Background information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tea_Party_movement
1 comment:
Good thoughts, Woody!!!
I totally agree.
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