It’s obvious, isn’t it? The guy with the shovel was the good guy, and the hole digger was the culprit. Give a little more time the hole would be filled and traffic would resume.
Now think the economy. It took 8 years to dig the hole, and the guys that are filling the hole are working as hard as they can to fill it. No rational mind would blame the filler for the hole. In fact, only a liar would claim that the hole wasn’t there until the filler was hired to fill it.
Ahhh. Now I see the problem. I said “rational mind”. Of course. We must forget how we got the hole and focus on the failure to quickly fill it. We must not see the progress made in 2 years in filling the hole. We must not be rational. Now I get it. Sorry.
A corollary to this is the growing number of possible voters that blame the current administration for the bank bailout and the auto industry bailout. These bailouts are correctly called the TARP program, conceived and implemented by the previous administration. Seven hundred fifty billion dollars authorized by the previous administration (the Bush II administration). These voters are being lied to about the TARP money, and they are too stupid to realize it. I wonder who is telling these lies? Ever hear of “Death Panels”? Truth or lie? Connection? Hmmmmm. I know thinking about this will enrage my conservative friends, but get real folks. A lie is a lie.
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