Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"Who Cares?" (Hull Carr)

I doubt if anyone that reads this (very small subset of humanity) knew Hull Carr, but he pissed me off many times by saying “Who Cares?” as a response to almost everything. Hull is dead now, but I think that his oft uttered phrase was really prophetic. I wanted to scream “I CARE” most of the time when he said it. I want to scream “I REALLY CARE” now, but I am getting beaten down by the vast current of ignorance and denial and lying and disinformation. I wonder sometimes how anyone with a brain can go on without being terminally upset at what we have become both environmentally and politically. We are on the brink of a precipice so deep that only imagination can fill in the fall (or have we already fallen?). Fast action and hard choices might make a difference in time, but no action and no hard choices will surely accelerate the disaster.
So we default to the Flanders and Swann character of the ostrich the lived in an atom bomb testing range. When asked if he worried about the future he replied “I’ll just bury me head”.
Buried heads get blow up with everyone else. Maybe it is just that most humans don’t want to see it coming. (Read "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" to get a feel for what I mean here.)

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