Found at last!! My old friend George Kistner. We had some crazy times in high school. He had a late 40s Chevy convertible that we used to bomb around in until it blew the engine. Thank god for auto shop. I loved to have dinner with his family, all big people, because the food was good and plentiful and everyone was joyful. I lost track of George in the early 60s when he was w
orking as a chemist for a company that made coatings for labels, so the label wouldn't come off easily. I remember one particular challenge was to fine a coating that Mr. Clean wouldn't remove!! I haven't actually gotten in touch yet, just got the email about finding him an hour ago, but I am really looking forward to contact. See ya soon George, and I bet you didn't forget this teasing call: "George! George Kistner my A**!" We all love you boy.

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