Friday, September 11, 2009

One Republican Shows His Ass

Joe Wilson of South Carolina called out "YOU LIE" to the President during the joint address to congress. The content of the dispute isn't the issue. Dissing the President is. No excuses for this kind of behaviour. Right wing radio is all over this defending Wilson while at the same time Palin keeps saying that there is a "DEATH PANEL" in the bill, which is a blatant lie, and the same radio hosts applaud her for truthfulness. What the hell is going on in this country. On this day when we should all remember the moment when we came together in grief and anger we are being driven apart by lies and liars, and very stupid people that believe them. I fear for our freedom. The religious zealots may someday win, and then with Taliban-style government we all lose.

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Matt said...

This is the reason why the health care "debate" has -- so far -- produced nothing useful. Almost all of the right and a good slice of the left have come to the table armed with slogans, grudges, and teams of braying jackasses instead of facts. Or a genuine desire to set good public policy.

Side note: South Carolina has been producing some *fine* elected officials lately, haven't they? They've got Joe "Foot in Mouth" Wilson, and Mark "Clinton deserved to be impeached but *my* extramarital affair on the taxpayers' dime is an expression of love so what's all the fuss about?" Sanford. Clearly, the good voters of SC need to elect a better class of rich, religiously-preoccupied, woman-hating, gay-bashing honky bigot.

Secret word: ampolyst.

woody s. said...

Matt. Sorry for the delay in commenting. Life. I totally agree that SC needs to elect someone more like Jesse Helms.