Lauren by all accounts was a happy, smart, loving and giving person, with a deep abiding faith in her God. In preparation for her death, she wrote a letter to her friends and she had it included in the order of service. The letter really said it all. Who she was and why she was admired and loved. I could not figure a way to copy the entire letter, but will continue to try, and would love suggestions on how to do it. You should read it all, and it should go viral. That powerful.
So, I will just copy one thought.
"There is one thing I want to share with you that I learned during my own experience, and while watching others. Whatever you are wanting to do, do it now. Not only do we not know how long we have in this world, but life is a richer and fuller experience when, rather that waiting for things to happen to us, we make things happen. So whatever it is that you're waiting to do, do it now. You'll thank me." (my bold)
Lauren completed this letter days before she died. Take this anonymous death (for most of you) and make it your own. Listen to the wisdom of a 33 year old, cut off too soon, telling you her deepest desires.
And listen to me: What ever you are waiting to do, do it now. Plan it now. Save for it now. And do it. To quote Lauren "You'll thank me."
To which I say "Thank you Lauren."
Offered with love from Woody.
Images: Moffit Cancer Center Logo and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Logo.
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