Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Religious Objections to Hiring GLBTQ Rears it's Ugly Head

I was about to go to the garage and put the mower back together with some new parts. Then I read the news that religious organizations with birth control exemptions are now asking to be exempt from the Federal Contractors order not to discriminate against the GLBT community. In other words, they don’t want queers of any kind working for them. Why? Well isn't it obvious?  “God Hates Fags” of all stripes. Just ask the Westboro folks.
Not so long ago blacks, Asians, women, handicapped people of all kinds and others were routinely discriminated against. And of course outted (sp?) queers. But that all changed and now there is equality for all right? This is America right? Where “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal;” is the rule, law and practice right?
No, WRONG. This has only ever been the land of the free for White Men from the get-go, and not even all of them. The rest of us have been “equalized” over the last 200 years or so by legislation to protect our rights. And now that we have them, a minority of, you got it, White Men, are working hard to take them away again.
Where are the defenders of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and of the Law? Oh, that’s

right, the Supreme Court said it, I believe it and that is the end of it. NO IT IS NOT THE END OF IT.
Revolution is the end of it, and I hope we are moving in that direction. I propose that we “Take Back America” as the Conservative Religious Republicans are fond of saying. But what I propose is that we take it back from THEM. Before it is too late.

Images: Various Westboro Protest signs.


Zarko said...

Very good point. Couldn't agree more.

The power thirsty control oriented dictatorship/business that is the backbone of every religion is beyond any logic. I guess religion and logic are very much antonyms. Just to expend on your point as it made me think about abortion and birth control which is on almost every religions' shit-list:

I wonder what if a mother is refused abortion by religion A and the same child grows up and finds love, but uuupppsssyy loves another man... Now, that same child that initially was praised as GOD's creation and was part of god's divine plan is now a bustard and is condemned by the same religion A. Again, as you mentioned beats any logic. In the end people would be just better off if they stop looking up to god, but rather look closer at their own actions. I do not pray partially because I think it's bullshit and waste of time, but partially as respect to that god that everybody looks up to simply because I respect that he has this divine plan implemented and who am I to prey and change his plan.

As George Carlin beautifully stated "conservatives want live babies so they can train them to be dead soldiers" and also "but He loves you (in reference to GOD). He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a good bullshit story. Holy Shit"

At the end god is nothing more but an delusional puppet and an evolutionary miswiring/weakness of our brain that is being exploited by few individuals.

It is a sad world that we live in...

woody s. said...

As usual, Z, you are on the target. I really miss old George. Holy Shit is right.