Monday, April 8, 2013

Red, Yellow and Blue

Ah, Spring! It has finally arrived in some iteration and yesterday was the “day to get things done”. We mostly emptied the big fish pond (water feature for our “haute” friends [we don’t have any, BTW]), sucked the muck out of the deep end, replanted lots of plants and tossed many too. The weather was perfect, and as we sat with our coffee looking over the domain from the kitchen, the final evidence of Spring: A Cardinal, a Goldfinch and an Indigo Bunting all feeding on the same feeder. What a sight, even for little old colorblind me. You see, I can see yellow just fine, and in bright sunlight, Cardinal Red and Bunting Blue shines out to me. So it was breath taking to me and Sally.

What a TREAT!!!!
 Image Bunting:
Image Finch:
Image Cardinal:

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