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God, what a mess!! |
The Election is over and the new President is installed in
office (yes, I know Obama won, but each 4 years a “new” President is sworn in).
Now the work of putting Humpty Dumpty
back together again. No doubt about it: the country is broken. And as I see it
the cause is hyper-partisanship. The Right has moved farther to the right and
the Left has moved farther to the left. Leaving very little in the middle.
In the old days political parties regularly switched places
in the lineup and voting districts were filled with a mix of political types
such that many, if not most, districts were able to put canditates in office
who were “middle-of-the-roaders”. No
more. This trend is especially seen in the Republican Party, but is growing in
the Democtratic Party as well. It bodes badly for the country and is manifested
in the continuous gridlock seen in recent years in congress.
The old political art of compromise seems to have gone the
way of the floppy disk. We now have the art of political confrontation and
brinksmanship in plain view every day. Right now the Dems have the White House
so the Republicans balk and block. It the situation were reversed I have no
doubt that the Dems would do the same.
It is just a damn shame to ruin a good country with partisan
crap like we see now.
There is a way out though: challenge the redistricting of
congressional districts in the courts and hope for a better plan. Hope. Well,
when all else fails there is always Hope.
1 comment:
I have always been baffled by how we can sustain the world power status with such an incredibly low average IQ. We as a country can spend a trillion to bomb somebody, but cannot spend a million to improve the educational system. And that makes sense when you consider that the best people to control are the ones that know just enough to get the job done, but are stupid enough to question the authority. And that's why governments will never over spend on education, because it works in their favor.
"Imagine" John Lennon song came up so it made me think...
Imagine if everybody would speak at least 2 languages and could read and listen to news other than presensored ones publicized here. Imagine if majority of people would know where Iraq is actually located on the map and its history, maybe Bush would have never gotten away with the lies and the useless war that cost us a bundle.
Imagine if people would read the correlation between Iraq war and Bosnian massacres. Similarities between Bush's and Milosevic's political moves, would prompt the prosecution of Bush for war crimes as he is deserving of such. Imagine if education actually mattered! We would finally have a president and congressional body with some BALLS. To have a intelligent government we need intelligent citizens.
This all brings me to this motion "of 43 studies carried out since 1927 on the relationship between religious belief and one's intelligence and/or educational level, all but four found an inverse connection. That is, the higher one's intelligence or education level, the less one is likely to be religious or hold "beliefs" of any kind." in addition "A study of data for belief in God and intelligence across 137 countries was undertaken by Lynn, Harvey & Nyborg (2009)8, with the latest comprehensive sets of data available, which were mostly from 2004. The data shows conclusively that countries with a higher average IQ have less belief in God - they state that "in only 17% of the countries (23 out of 137) does the proportion of the population who disbelieve in God rise above 20%. These are virtually all the higher IQ countries". Sociologists have found that in general, as a country gets more intelligence, the rate of belief in God begins to drop." This is not to say that every religious person is dumb, and I am sure the smart ones will figure it out.
What does this have to do with anything?
Well governing power is not absent of God, and in fact abuses it to do its dirty work whenever convenient. The separation of church and government as intended never took place and since there is a correlation between intelligence and religion potentially may be another factor to why there is such a lack of educational development in this country.
The bipartisan product of government is what happens when two idiots are too power thirsty... It never leads to anything good!
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