Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sow and Reap. Just leave me out of it.

It is almost that time again. Almost time to give up, again. Yes, I have given up before, and once even gave up giving up (;postID=1727575944594939689. But I have to say that I am getting very tired indeed of the reticence of otherwise intelligent people who continually blame Obama for all the ills of the country. I have tried to present what I thought were cogent and well-explained points of view, and get nowhere. Well, I get called things. Never mind. I can and will never believe that the current administration, faced with a massive debt at the front end, the speaker of the house announcing "Our goal in the next 4 years it to make this a one term presidency" and a shuffle of the house to make obstruction a fine art, is the problem. Not one bit. Yes, I think mistakes were made. By both sides. But the egregious ones were on the other side.
So I am not going to try to express my logical opinions for a while. When the election is over we will all see who wins, who loses, who was disenfranchised and who bought what. Until then, I will quietly watch the Republicans attack the Democrats and vise-versa. I will feel bad about all the lies that will fly, and all the distortions of positions that will be presented. I will not make a point about any of it.
Woody is turning over a new leaf.
We reap what we sow. So I say "Sow away pal, sow away. And be ready to reap what you sow."
I think I will consider the merits of beer for a bit. And maybe the merits of bird watching and orchid growing. No point what so ever talking about politics. It is way too late for that.



charity said...

Search---- I just LOVE your philosophy! ISn't it frustrating to make plain and simple points, that make ENORMOUS sense, and people still don't get it??? Have a beer on me!~

Unknown said...

Never give up! Never give in! Keep on fighting. Resistance is the secret of joy.

Zarko said...

I remember one day in my 10th grade leadership symposium, a person once said facing 2000 students "you never know, maybe you will be the next president". I didn't really understand it as it meant that anybody can become the president, and as I am getting older, I am beginning to believe it. Politics is an art, and since I am color blind, I never learned to appreciate it. And as the famous quote goes: "Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right." ~H.L. Mencken, 1956. At the end of the day, the key is to never give up, because then you simply become the majority. And as long there is good brew there will always be a reason to keep fighting. I once sat in a presentation where a civilization evolutionist made a case that beer was the reason of the birth of the greater civilization as we know it today for better or worse.