Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Florida Abolishes Planning for Sea Level Rise!!!

Thanks again, Diane Rehm
The program in the second hour was about the certainty of sea level rise and what can or is being done about it. Many states already have planning processes under way to meet the challenge of from 3 to 5 feet of rise by 2100.
Governor Crist empaneled a commission during his last term to begin the planning for the rise of sea level and to recommend actions to respond to it. Florida is particularly vulnerable due to the long coastline, the degree of building on the coast, and the low elevation of the land. So planning for the certainty of ocean rise was a good and wise move.
Along comes Governor (moron of the decade) Scott and one of the first things he does is abolish the commission and stop the planning process. Why? The conservative line: It is a HOAX!!!
Well Ricky Baby, Science, which you think sucks except when you need antibiotics or safe food, is right on this one, and you are dooming all of Florida, not just your conservative asshole friends, to misery.
Thanks again, Diane, for the timely reminder of just what a PUTZ our governor is.

Image: http://kaystreet.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/rick-scott.jpg

1 comment:

Zarko said...

In the not so far future, I think Thomasville will have beach resorts.