This morning after Sally went off to work I read an article (2) that basically concludes that the Amazon basin is about to lose the ancient role of sucking up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This is called carbon sequestration. The loss of millions of acres of rain forest due to mindless tree harvesting and clear cutting for farming will turn the area into a net emitter of CO2. Bad news for the planet. Add to that some morons expressing the “climate change is a fraud” on radio yesterday and the crap being thrown around by the Republican “debaters”, the population growing still, and it is a wonder all people of rational mind don’t self-destruct.
With the world on a collision course with disaster (no, not the Mayan calendar fiasco) like trains on the same track the big picture is very ugly. (Muslim extremists killing hundreds on an almost daily schedule with suicide bombs in Nigeria) Where is the good news or hope for the future? I don’t see it. (Bush meat including chimps and gorilla parts sold in fancy restaurants around the world to satisfy demands of patrons)
So, what we have to do is let go of the worry and angst for the more distant future and follow the WWWD philosophy of live for the day. There was a time (it seems so very long ago now) when my philosophy was a mirror of the “If I knew the world would end tomorrow, I would plant a tree today” school. No more. Now I use the tree to make some kick-ass barbecue. Plan for the next few years when the world will still be amiable, in some places, for viewing and enjoying, and drink the good wine (or really any wine or descent beer). The future is too horrible to seriously contemplate. I know, you think I am being over-the-top pessimistic. So do I. But I can’t see any other scenario.
Eat, drink, enjoy the sunset with a loving partner and do the things you always wanted to do. That is not only "What Would Woody Do", but is" What Woody Is Doing". And having some fun along the way.
*Ukranian folk expression for “What the F**k is the use?” said with a shake of the head, a shrug of the shoulders and a depressed acceptance that nothing you do will make a difference.
1. http://searchesworld.blogspot.com/2010/10/zadarum.html
2. http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/337827/title/Amazon_may_become_greenhouse_gas_emitter
Image: http://www.seos-project.eu/modules/world-of-images/images/deforestation_lacanja.jpg
With the world on a collision course with disaster (no, not the Mayan calendar fiasco) like trains on the same track the big picture is very ugly. (Muslim extremists killing hundreds on an almost daily schedule with suicide bombs in Nigeria) Where is the good news or hope for the future? I don’t see it. (Bush meat including chimps and gorilla parts sold in fancy restaurants around the world to satisfy demands of patrons)
So, what we have to do is let go of the worry and angst for the more distant future and follow the WWWD philosophy of live for the day. There was a time (it seems so very long ago now) when my philosophy was a mirror of the “If I knew the world would end tomorrow, I would plant a tree today” school. No more. Now I use the tree to make some kick-ass barbecue. Plan for the next few years when the world will still be amiable, in some places, for viewing and enjoying, and drink the good wine (or really any wine or descent beer). The future is too horrible to seriously contemplate. I know, you think I am being over-the-top pessimistic. So do I. But I can’t see any other scenario.
Eat, drink, enjoy the sunset with a loving partner and do the things you always wanted to do. That is not only "What Would Woody Do", but is" What Woody Is Doing". And having some fun along the way.
*Ukranian folk expression for “What the F**k is the use?” said with a shake of the head, a shrug of the shoulders and a depressed acceptance that nothing you do will make a difference.
1. http://searchesworld.blogspot.com/2010/10/zadarum.html
2. http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/337827/title/Amazon_may_become_greenhouse_gas_emitter
Image: http://www.seos-project.eu/modules/world-of-images/images/deforestation_lacanja.jpg
I have to agree with you; most people only exist, and very few know how to live their lives to the fullest. We generally take the life for granted until it is too late.
In regards to the global disaster, it is only a matter of when and not if. This pot of water has been boiling over for years, and to make matters worse, some idiot just turned up the heat and placed a lid over it to prevent spilling... you can only imagine what will happen next...
I strongly believe that to be a politician and a leader your IQ has to be in the negative scale. As a result to my new enlightenment, I am filtering out all the media regarding politics, climate changes, war, religion, famine,super bugs, and all the other depressing shit that is upon us. Now, I am feeling better and after 25 years in academia I can sadly admit that ignorance is a bliss. It is truly a sad reality when ignorance meats stupidity and they start reproducing; result is... well, look around...
Z, I think you mean "meets", but maybe not. "Meats" also could be relevant.
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