(You get some sense of my mood this morning?)
Yup, unite around Perry, Bachmann, Robertson, Romney and the rest of the gang to oppose the evils of Science and Scientists. Why should Science have the moral high ground, when obviously God HIMSELF gives it without reservation to the conservative morons of the world? Go forth and vote for the morons that have nothing at all to say of truth and evidence. Go vote for the politicians who will say and do anything to get elected and reelected, and will take money from anyone and do favors for anyone who pays.
You deserve what you get, but the rest of us don’t. Go vote. Be a real American. Vote without a thought for the consequences or the butcher’s bill. After all is said and done, it won’t make any difference at all. In 50000 years there will be very little trace of us or our resident morons. Maybe less than that. Maybe 1000. Maybe even 500. Maybe it really is the “end time”. Wouldn’t that be a grand joke on all the fundamentalist morons? An environmental end time? The earth rejecting humanity like your body rejects a virus?
Now that end time I can appreciate.
Image: http://blog.jonolan.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/science-and-religion.jpg
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