There were some highlights: (here I pause: just what are the good news items? Hmmm. Killing Osama? Killing someone shouldn’t be a highlight, should it? The Euro not collapsing? Damn, this is tough.) So, the highlights: (here I pause again.) Ok friends, help me out here. What do YOU think are the highlights? How about Tallahassee finally getting a brewpub.(Momo’s Pizza in Market Square.) I know: The Duggars had a miscarriage. One less mouth to feed in the world. No, you say, not a highlight.
I know: The population crossed the 7 billion mark. Lots of souls to sing “Hosanna”. Too bad so many of them are starving to death.
So friends, help me out here. I am looking for world class positives.
Image: http://geekdose.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/facebook-like-stamps.jpg
Momo’s: http://momospizza.com/market-street-brew-menu/
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