The next morning when we went for breakfast the damn path was really webbed, so we picked up a couple of sticks to clear the way. On sitting down I noticed that the silverware and everything else on the table was webbed down to the table. Then I noticed that I was webbed to the chair, so was Sal, and so was everyone else!! Nobody had seen a spider, but when we looked, as they say down this way, real close, there they were. Thousands of the tinyest spiders I ever saw. Busy running all over the

The next morning, more of the same. When we left that morning I looked back at the hotel and the entire roof was solid web. I couldn't see the tile or thatch. Just web. The owners told us that sometimes they have an outbreak (read that a hatch) of these harmless spiders. Just an annoyance. I agree. We didn't get bitten or anything, and we had good breakfasts, but what a feeling to be webbed to your chair, arms, legs, shoulders, the whole Guapote.
I couldn't find a photo of the building, but here is a tree covered in webs. Imagine a whole building, but so dense you couldn't see through it. It was GREAT!!!
Image: http://igniteaparty.gigxl.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/flor-de-cana-grand-reserve-7-year.jpg
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