The country and world are literally coming apart: Monetary crises; hunger crises; weather crises; immigration crises; civility crises; water crises; education crises; air quality crises and more. There is more than enough to keep politicians busy without getting into our personal lives, again. You would think so anyway. Yet the Republican controlled House and the minority in the Senate, and in more than 28 states, many of which face financial suicide, the self-stated PRIMARY OBJECTIVE of the legislative year is the total removal of the control of a woman’s right to control her OWN BODY. The agenda is to severely restrict or eliminate completely the right of a woman to terminate a pregnancy based on her own choice. Kill Roe v Wade at the federal level, eliminate any Federal funding that goes to abortion services, even when the health of the mother is in danger, and make the provision of abortions a crime. At the state level, a curtailing of licensed termination services, a prohibition of any termination over 20 weeks regardless of the condition of fetus or mother and/or the forcing of a woman to view the sonogram of the fetus prior to the procedure.
What the hell is going on here? Poll after poll indicates that more than 70% of Americans favor abortion services under some circumstances while clearly stating is should not be used merely as birth control. So when the newly elected politicians claim they are doing “The Peoples Business”. Who is” the people?” A minority of the voters, many of whom are conservative Christians that VOTE. Democrats far outnumber Republicans in voter registration and Democrats are overwhelmingly in favor of reproductive rights for women. But the lazy jerks don’t VOTE.
It really is time for women and men of moderate and liberal views to “Take the Country Back” from the radical right wingers that have taken over. Today women lose reproductive rights, tomorrow we lose religious freedoms and the day after tomorrow who knows? Wearing yellow and pink stars on our clothes and being stopped on the street by a man in a long leather coat and being asked “Let me see your PAPERS.”? (Oh, I forgot. They already do that in Arizona and Florida wants to do it too.)
Image: www.sodahead.com
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