Whatever is the world coming to? It looks like millions of conservatives who decry liberals as “card carrying members of the ACLU” will have a new mantra. Yes indeed. “Card carrying members of the Log Cabin Republicans.” I like the sound of that.
The issue is easy. In 2004 the Log Cabin Republicans sought an injunction to ban the implementation of “don’t ask don’t tell” arguing it has no effect on readiness and drives highly qualified personnel out of military service. (1) This is a liberal agenda if I ever saw one, and these LCRs are gay and lesbian Republicans (don’t ask me why any GLBTQ would EVER be a Republican). John Boehner and his boys must be writhing in angst over the outcome of this suit. A federal judge has declared the policy UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!! My god, we will all die in our sleep or have our dipsticks fall off as a result of this activist liberal (probably feminist and lesbian) judges’ decision.
The beauty of this is that the very group that supports the agenda of the Republican Party has finally bitten the hand that strokes them. I know, the suit started in 2004, and who knows how they feel now. Maybe elated. Maybe embarrassed. Maybe most of them forgot they had sued. But sue they did, and got a stunning LIBERAL decision.
And about time too. Anyone with half a brain could see this policy was wrong and mean-spirited. A half-assed compromise. Well, hopefully it is gone. But don’t count the bigoted Republicans out yet, though. There are probably countless more appeals to come. Meanwhile the LCRs still send checks to the RNC and cuddle up with the likes of Boehner at fund raisers. Time the LCRs came out again and declared themselves Democrats or Indies or maybe Intellegents.
1. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=129763013&sc=nl&cc=brk-20100909-2215
Image: thespiritofthelaw.blogspot.com/2009/09/us-rec...
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