Gosdin sang it:"You don't know about lonely 'til its chiseled in stone". It struck me that there are a couple of kinds of "lonely". There is the kind that you have when you are away from those you love, and the kind when you hear that someone you admire has died, the kind when you are between partners and no prospects on the horizon, and the kind
Gosdin was singing about. The loss of your lifetime partner, lover and friend. That's the kind that makes me crazy with worry. My parents died and I felt alone, finally no one for backup. Several of my friends died and I felt left alone, never to hear or see them again. Soldiers die and I feel a sense of loss, not like a parent or partner would feel, but loss none-the-less. We seem to be surrounded by loss of one kind or another. Thousands of Haitians die and the feeling of sadness for the senseless loss is overwhelming.
I can and have coped with those kinds of loss. What I can't bear thinking about (but obviously am) is the loss of my dear Sally. No hidden hints here. Nothing going on that I am not telling. Just
Gosdin's song that hit home like a spear in my heart. I just can't imagine the depth of that loneliness. I wrote an essay some time ago about the hardest thing ever faced or done. For me, lonely chiseled in stone has to top the list.
Gosdins song:
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