Thursday, January 7, 2010

Woody 6.97

I have been thinking about the aging process lately (can't imagine why) and decided the old adage "you aren't getting older, you are getting better" is pretty much BS. While some wisdom may be accruing, everything is wearing out. Better my ass. Weaker, deafer, blinder, wrinkled-er (is that in the OED?), balder (possible?), slower, fatter. Now to be fair, some things are going up: blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, age, time between, um, well, you know, and other things. But these parameters are not particularly good either.
So I have decided to rename the process to get a positive spin on things. You know new releases of software are usually better and often correct preexisting problems or issues. From now on we should all view ourselves as upgrades. In May I will be 'Woody 7.0". Now that has got to be better than the old 6.9, doesn't it? And jeez, by the time "Woody 10.o" arrives I'll need chains to keep me down.

Cheer up!! Your new release is just around the corner, and with any luck the bugs will be gone, and the system won't crash.

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