So now the ball is in their court to play, as the newly elected Governor said “- - - for all the people, not just the Republicans who elected them.” Well, Scott, it’s like this: the Republican minority did not elect you and your party. The apathetic, pathetic and worthless Democrats that didn’t vote elected you. Personally I recommend that you piss on them. They deserve nothing less.
Sorry, got to go. Got to throw up again.
Image: http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/40949000/jpg/_40949974_vomiting416300.jpg
Ahhh, that explains why I've been nauseated all day
That you J? The same thing in Georgia probably. At least California voters had a bit of sense. But - - - they turned down legalizing MJ. I wonder if Jerry Brown will need "medicine"?
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