Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I don’t give up. I throw up.

Fifty one percent of registered voters in Florida did not bother to vote. According to the supervisor of elections for Leon County, Ion Sancho, most of these were Democrats. That’s right, Democrats. Who didn’t vote. Makes me want to puke in their dinner. This country is all about “the People”. We hear “the People” this and “the People” that. But when it comes time to actually hear from the people, half of them don’t bother to vote. And this time that disgusting apathy got a full slate of Republicans elected.
So now the ball is in their court to play, as the newly elected Governor said “- - - for all the people, not just the Republicans who elected them.” Well, Scott, it’s like this: the Republican minority did not elect you and your party. The apathetic, pathetic and worthless Democrats that didn’t vote elected you. Personally I recommend that you piss on them. They deserve nothing less.
Sorry, got to go. Got to throw up again.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, that explains why I've been nauseated all day

woody s. said...

That you J? The same thing in Georgia probably. At least California voters had a bit of sense. But - - - they turned down legalizing MJ. I wonder if Jerry Brown will need "medicine"?