An old friend of ours from Australia has a song on her album “From the Heart” that has a line “All we need is a good rain”. Today, here in good old Havana we finally got a good rain. Still raining in fact. The soil is very thirsty. As it started to rain, the refrain from the song played once again in my mind (we play the album often, and still blub through most of the songs). And I thought, no, we need more than a good rain. We need civility and trust, and we need time to sort out all the problems facing us as a nation and world. We need solutions that curb populations and help to reduce poverty. We need to empower women all over the world, yes, even here. We need so very very much just to survive.
But I’ll settle right now for a good rain. Thanks Dianna. You and yours are a constant with Sal and me.
Image: Dianna Hammond at
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