I found an old friend just now. The Darwin Awards, given for stupidity that results in either death or removal of the ability to procreate. Here is an example: "Picture this: A young couple driving on Via Dutra, the major freeway in Brazil with tons of heavy traffic, at 6AM under heavy fog the couple decided to park the car for "dating," according to the charming Google translation. And yes, they parked in the right lane of freeway, not on the shoulder or at a gas station -- and naturally, a huge cargo truck comes by and runs right over the car, immediately killing both inside during the act. Double Double Darwin! Two (2) people making two obviously stupid decisions, and natural selection acts at the very moment the two are reproducing . . . Textbook Darwin Award."
(http://www.darwinawards.com/darwin/darwin2010-06.html )
Today I was also playing around in a quotation site and found: “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.” I would say “---try stupidity.” There are so many ways to be stupid it is a wonder anybody survives to adulthood and then to old age. For a laugh and to see just how stupid some people can be, look around on the "Darwin Award" site. And in closing I offer this wisdom from Forest Gump:”Stupid is as stupid does.”
(Forest Gump Quote:
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0109830/quotes )Image:
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