So you guys remember the Tiktaalik right? And then we discussed the importance of the structures found in that animal that resulted in the evolution of quadrupeds that include us and everything else with 4 limbs. Here is a book to read that delves into the connections in more detail and makes connections that I could not. Why you ask? This guy knows more about Tiktaalik than anyone. He found it and has studied it since.
The next time you are quoting Search, or arguing with some ignorant soul denying evolution, just end it by telling the cretin to “get in touch with your inner fish, and watch out for hemorrhoids. (Theory is the vessels around the anus of a fish, our ancestor, were not evolved to be sat upon or vertical for long periods of time: therefore they swell and hurt.)
I love my inner fish. Don’t you wish everyone did? You can have fun looking for your inner yeast, too.
(And by the way, there is no point in arguing with anyone about the truth of Evolution Theory unless you like to argue about things like "there is no sun" or " air is really gasoline" or some other such nonsense. There is nothing to argue about. Truth is truth, and evolution is the truth. Period, or as my English family would say "Full Stop". )
NPR source: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=127937070&sc=nl&cc=nh-20100705
Image and book review: http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2008/feb/10/shopping.scienceandnature
Hey Mr. Search,
Sorry to hear about your office. End of an era I guess. Cool evolution comment. No doubt about the evolution thing. The real question I have is where did the DNA come from. I read an article somwhere that said the odds of random amino acids finding each other in a primordial soup, eventually forming DNA, was infinitesmimal. It also occured to me some time back in Augusta that our bodies are awefully perfect, at least from a human perspective. But the thing that always perplexed me was the inefficiency of mother nature. If we are products of natural selection, why is our design so redundant and inefficient. Do we really need 2 of everything? Why do we need male and female to reproduce? Would be more efficient to be able to do it all by our selves, though probably not as fun. Whats the point of conscience and emotions? Other species seem to do quite well without these. I pissed off a lot of my classmates during late night gross anatomy labs with questions like these. Never did get any reasonable answers. My point is, I started questioning things during A & P under your tutelage. Your office and presence will be missed. RL
RL. Ahhh. It sounds like you are leaning in the direction of some devine plan. In fact if there was such a plan, we would be perfect, without the need for redundency. As for having 2 of many things, we are after all bilateral! Looks like you need some face time to get reaquainted with the hard facts of evolution and natural selection. And statistically speaking, if something is possible, if very unlikely, given enough time it will surely happen. Thanks for reading my wanderings. Keep the faith but use that wonderful brain that nature gave you. And, don't count me out yet.
Hey Woody,
I almost choked on my beer (form laughing) while reading your response. When I was reading your original post, I thought, "I'm going to get him". You don't remember but we (class) had this converstion several times during A&P. I NEW I WOULD GET A RISE OUT OF YOU. I guess I do lean in a direction but I sure wouldn't try to intelligently debate that with you. I'm not that smart. Anyway, I got you. I'll leave you with one last thought.....I'll pray for you! I'm still laughing. Ron
OK. Sometimes I fall and sometimes I win. No problem, but don't choke. Miss J. might not do the hineylick on you and then it would be my fault. And pray for me please. It probably won't help, but it couldn't hurt. Cheers. Oh, and I thought of something to say that rhymes with duck view, but I thought better of it.
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