The alarm went off at 6:15 as usual. Coffee pot gurgled. Shower ran. Hair dryer. Then a few minutes pre-briefing about the day, write some checks, make a list of things to do today. Finally walk down to the gate to let Sal out and keep the dogs in. A quick kiss and “See you tonight. Take care. Love you” and she is gone.
As I shut the gate I though “And so things get back to normal and life goes on”. The weekend is still reverberating and the memory of family and friends strong. Everybody got home safely and their lives are now going on, back to normal.
Life may be like a box of chocolates, but it is also a narrative, written in everyday events and punctuated by memorable moments, some lasting seconds or minutes and some days. The total is the story being written as it is lived. And because of the path taken (or not) the ending is a mystery. Like all good stories, one can hope the ending is both satisfying and a takes a while to get to. After all, how many times have you read a book or seen a film and said to yourself “I wish it had never ended”?
So for the near time, life goes back to normal, carrying with it the afterglow of a weekend well spent.
Image: www.gettyimages.com/detail/82129868/Photodisc
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